


Saturday, April 12, 2014

MH370 hijacked: Russian intelligence claims all passengers alive!

As the massive search continues in the Southern Indian Ocean for the missing Malaysia Airlines, a controversial theory came up last day which proposes a probable hijack of MH370. Russian intelligence sources have
claimed that all passengers and crew members aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 are alive and the plane was in fact, hijacked and flown to Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

According to a source in Russian’s FSB secret service, the plane was hijacked and all people onboard are currently held as hostage. The Russian intelligence provided the data to a correspondent of a Russian newspaper, Moskvsky Komsomolets.

“Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines missing on 8 March with 239 passengers was hijacked. Pilots are not guilty; the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists. We know that the name of the terrorist who gave instructions to pilots is ‘Hitch.‘ The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan,” the source said in a statement.

The sources went on to state that the passengers are living in extremely dire circumstances. They are divided in seven groups and kept in mud huts with almost no food. Moreover, 20 Asian passengers were smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan. It is assumed that the terrorists are possible seeking to bargain China and America against the lives of the hostages.

Warning: The source of the news as stated has not provided any evidence of the report and should be considered as highly classified and not confirmed officially. There were no statements made by the Malaysian or the Chinese government. The Australian naval force still believes that the plane is consumed in the Indian Ocean and the search operations are intensified in the last two days.

A massive international search effort had focused in its early days on the South China Sea, where the plane’s transponders stopped transmitting. It had since been expanded onto the other side of the Malaysian peninsula up into the Andaman Sea and into the Indian Ocean.

A US destroyer and surveillance plane joined the expanded search operations on Saturday. Almost 60 ships and 50 aircraft from 13 countries have been deployed across the entire search zone since MH370 went missing.

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