


Thursday, April 10, 2014

New solar plane redesigned in Switzerland will fly for 20 days in 2015

Solar Impulse
The new solar plane that has been redesigned in Switzerland was unveiled and claims to fly around the world without fuel in the next year. The plane is bigger than the previous version of
the solar powered plane that flew from coast-to- coast in the US last year.

An early version of the Solar Impulse successfully flew from the US west coast to the east coast, marking the first time the journey had been undertaken without fuel.

The wingspan is around eight meters larger in the new version of Solar Impulse 2. The plane’s cockpit has been redesigned to improve aerodynamics and reduce weight from its previous version.

The plane will fly for 5 days and 5 nights in March 2015, through electricity generated by sun hitting the improve aerodynamics and reduce weight. At night the plane will fly slowly conserving the power from the batteries that would be stored during the day.

These planes will fly faster from its previous versions said Bertrand Piccard, one of the plane’s pilots and chairman of Solar Impulse. He added that people should be attracted to this way of flying as it would men flying with renewable energy.

The plane will go through a series of tests in this year before it becomes ready for a round the world trip in 2015. The trip will last 20 days so long preparations and precautions are being taken to make the flight a success.

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