


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hong Kong still a major tourism destination, though growth gets a bit slow

Hong Kong
Tourism is a bit slow in Hong Kong by 8.6 per cent from last year but it has been estimated by the Tourism Board that 59 million visitors will visit Hong Kong this year. Although these
numbers are a bit behind from the year-on-year growth rate of 11.7 per cent last year.

It is expected that visitors from the mainland is expected to increase 10.8 per cent to 45.1 million 60 per cent of those are projected to be same-day visitors. Last year arrivals from the mainland surged 16.8 per cent on 2012.

A slight slowdown was normal said the board’s executive director Anthony Lau Chun-hon. The growth rate drops as the base number has grown bigger. The government and state owned enterprise officials will be reducing their trips and spending.

More than 200,000 people have  jobs  related to tourism, so the people of Hong Kong need to cooperate with tourists. Facing a growing influx of visitors – projected by the government to reach 100 million a year in 2023 – it is necessary for Hong Kong to plan ahead and develop new attractions in areas such as Kowloon East and Lantau.

Feeling positive about their plans the board projected that arrivals from short-haul markets – including Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea – will increase by 1.6 per cent this year, while the number of visitors from further afield should increase by 2 per cent, following sluggish development in recent years.

The number of visitors from long-haul markets decreased by 3.3 per cent and this mainly happened with the drop of Japanese tourists from the nearby Asian markets which dropped from 0.8 per cent to 8.4 million last year.

Tourists from India, the Netherlands, Russia and Vietnam in the last year grew by 8 per cent.

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